All said and done, me and Su are all buckled up to take the parenting ride and make a man out of our child.
This here is our baby :)

Bangalore - A garden city to a city of compromises for the common man, the helpless feeling just keeps rising by the day!!
· Limitless property rates.
· Illegal cutting of trees.
· Unjustified Inflation.
· Cheating Petrol bunk operators.
· Atrocious tantrums and bullying by politicians.
· Arrogant and money looting corporation workers.
· Never ending infrastructure problems and sudden road blocks.
· Badly maintained lakes and neglected parks.
· Inefficient law enforcement.
· Unregulated Education fee policies, from kindergarten to Graduation.
So come to think of it...what do we have in our control? NOTHING
We just need to shut up and take all of it or get abused for trying to do the right thing….
Bangalore city….what a pity !!