Tuesday, November 29, 2005

23 Candles blown this year...........

I turned 23 this November 23rd...Damn, so much more to do in life ! !

A lot has happened in the last year...5 crushes, 3 hook-ups, 4 dates....do u believe that?...u better not, cause its an exaggeration, but I did lose 1 phone ;o( and it also includes joining my Dream Company...Infosys Technologies Ltd. I have completed 6 months here and life has certainly changed for the good...

Started Blogging ....made a lot of new friends....visited a lot of new places...read a lot of books....stayed on my own for nearly 2 months.... went rocking for a couple of concerts....and recently purchased a small 750sq Flat in ISRO Layout..Its perhaps is the only useful Investment I have done.. Thanks to my Mom..Shez the best!! got the flat in time...and the right price n place....

Couldn't ask for a more eventful year...

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