Well......the last time i wrote anything logical on this blog of mine was in Jan 2006....i feel ashamed of my laziness...or perhaps its the busy life that i lead that makes me dizzy the moment i come back home from work n then the last thing i can do is write a piece on my blog.....neways.....enough of all my lazy excuses....i finalyl got back on my feet n sat down to write something....
but shucks.....where do i start?......n what all should i write?.......so much has happened.....
In brief...im tryin to list out the good things that has happened.......
1. Got my profile up on Orkut(yeah.........now i know where all my extra time was spent :-))
2. I got to know a whole bunch of new people with the Spandana group....(more about it in the posts to come)
3. Moved into a new building in office......(but the crowd here is equally disappointing :op)
4. Did a lot of decent photography.....(or should i say was just too happy to discover that I could take good pics)
5. Got a hike in my BPL(Below Poverty Line) Salary....to OPL(On Poverty Line)........
6. Got a new pair of headphones....(searched for it like crazy n picked up a piece of junk..yuck ! !)
7. Finally the best thing..........I sat back n promised myself am gonna keep this blog updated(This thing happened 5 minutes back)
n now the list of bad things that i did ...
1. It should certainly be my laziness.......
2. Haven't excercised for quite sometime now.....n feel like a bean bag....
3. Purchased a pair of coolers for 800 bucks n broke it in a week......
4. Couldnt shop due to budget constraints (after all....im a poor Infoscian)
ok...im gonna stop this list here......or am gonna feel blessed with so many bad things ;o)
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