There are times when u have this strange feeling of losing things that you value the most...it could be ur dream job, ur dream girl or could even be the smallest of things like the best message you have ever gotten on ur phone or even the best mail that u have ever received by someone very important in ur life......
Well......therez just one thing for sure......Everythign in Life happens for a reason.....Good or Bad....Destiny plays an important role in everyonez lives......Some call it Destiny, some call it luck or some even call it God's grace......its something beyond our understanding.....
I have noticed in more instances than one that every Sad moment in life is followed by a moment which is twice as happier.....it has happened to me many times.....we just need to understand that life always offers us what we deserve.....
So.....leave all ur trouble tickets behind...n Enjoy what life has to offer.....
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