Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My morning mails....

My latest craze is sending my own personal Morning mails for the people I know.....Off late, I realised ...people actually tend to like my photography skills....and this pushed me to do this with more interest.... I attach inspirational quotes or anything catchy and put it over a photo that I have clicked...and send it with a copyright symbol... :-) herez the sample...

A lot of people have told me its goooood...and they really love the idea....well....the point is how long am i gonna do this....considering I get bored doing the same stuff very easily....lets see...

The stage is set....

"Dramanon"(Dramatics Anonymous) happened in August .....The theater group from manipal were here to audition for their next Production in Bangalore. I went for the auditions and got selected for the cast ...can u believe that??..its loads of fun....
We're doign an English play called "The Original last wish baby" - OLWB in short......in the month of Jan.
We practice every weekend and on one weekday....
The practice is full of fun and frolic....Its so satisfying to do something you want to do and its really lucky to get an oppurtunity coming ur way easily....
Well ...looking forward to my first ever Professional theater work....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is it me or my laziness....

Call it laziness.....call it lack of inspiration.....whatever....but am just not able to get myself to my Laptop to blog a lotta things that I wanna share with my world.....well....I have made up my mind to get this blog going .......
I have loads of stuff to tell ya guyz....but its gonna take a lotta posts...so until I consolidate all of 'em into a few posts....the wait will have to continue....