Wednesday, January 07, 2009

U Turn !!

Phew !!!. . . after the roller coaster ride . . i'm finally feeling a sense of relief . . life isn't that bad to anyone after all. . . :)
Good News First:
I'm back in Bangalore . . back to my old Job. . in a better role . . on a better pay package !! :) and enjoying every bit of it. . I feel like a grown up finding all his childhood toys. . . the feeling is priceless. . .
If you're wondering why & when all this happened? it just did . . UK was not what I thought of it to be . . . have had a few painful experiences and it definitely didn't offer what I was looking for. . .So, Here I am

The Bad News:
I got the timing all wrong this time and perhaps I wasn't fully prepared to take what I took. I had to put my Overseas dream behind me and accept that I had failed to accomplish.

They say History Repeats because Man never learns . . well, in my case History did repeat cause I learnt :)